Tree Ornaments - Take 2

 Attempt number 2 at tree ornaments went much better than expected today.

I made salt dough instead of actual cookie dough and it works so well that I don't want to stop!   There creative possibilities are endless!

Salt dough is easy:

2 cups of plain flour
1 cup of salt
3/4 cup of water

Knead thoroughly until the mixture forms a smooth, firm dough.  You may have to adjust the water or flour a tiny bit to get it right.

This is the recipe for a plain white dough.  I really wanted a gingerbread cookie appearance so I dumped in a pile of cinnamon, ground cloves, all spice and mace.   All the good ones.   Now my ornament dough is a golden brown and smells terrific!

Rolling out the dough is easy but you will need to do this on a floured surface just as with any other rolled dough.  

The thickness is really up to you.  I made mine pretty thin then began to cut out the shapes.  

Heat the oven to somewhere around 100C (200F)  or is it 100F (200C)?  I can never remember.   Whatever is the lowest setting on your oven will do it.   Some recipes may say a higher temperature however, I found the higher setting made the ornaments puff up.  (Yes, I turned the oven up because I was being impatient.) 

I didn't bother timing them either.   (living dangerously again!)   I just kept an eye on them.  It took around 20mins and you need to turn them halfway through! 

By this time,  I was late to pick up the munchkin from nursery.   


I decided to get in the car, get munchkin, then drive over to Hobbycraft to get paint.   Fatal error.  I ended up finding all kinds of really cool stuff to make these ornaments!  

I got some more of those wooden shapes (like the reindeer I put on the candles),  some rubber stamps, paint, glitter pens, gingham Christmas tree shapes.... and on and on! 

Here are some of the results. 

 These ones were air dried and came out white! 

The oven dried ones stayed brown. 

 Of course Mummy has some sparkle.

 Fancy cut outs

 These were done with the rubber stamps.

The only problem is I need to make more to use all the bits I bought!  
